Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Soundless ALSA Newbie
From: Guy Clotilde (
Date: Fri Jan 10 2003 - 11:51:42 EET
On/le Fri, 10 Jan 2003 10:05:09 +0200 (EET)
Sakari Aaltonen <> wrote / a écrit quelque chose
> some of the bars are for. amixer says there are some 20 simple
> controls and some 40 complex ones. This is much too complicated for
> me.
try aumix if it is installed with your distro. Simpler one, but good looking.
> After I unmuted Main and PCM, I did get some sound output with
> aplay and a MIDI file (from the old playmidi package.) But it
> was garbage - evidently, aplay didn't recognize the format.
> And xine won't use ALSA at all, so the unmuting didn't help
> the DVD-and-TV thing.
I had the same behaviour once with xine, but it was xine's fault: the volume of xine was too low. Hope this helps. And don't give up, it's worth the try. It can be time consuming first, but once you succeed at making sounds works, it works rock solid.
> Sakari Aaltonen
Guy CLO~
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