Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] midi sequencing
From: Chris Cannam (
Date: Thu Jan 16 2003 - 17:14:18 EET
[cc'ing, in case someone there knows
better than I do on any of this. You might consider subscribing to
rg-user for this level of discussion about Rosegarden. See link on
Rosegarden homepage at]
John D. Barnett wrote:
> Rosegarden (4-0.8-2)
> Is it possible to change the note/voice used by the metronome?
Not using the GUI, although this is one of the longer-standing open
feature requests and it will doubtless be addressed before long:
You can do it rather painfully by editing the autoload.rg file that
Rosegarden installs (it's a gzipped XML file) and changing the
attributes of the metronome element. That will only affect new
compositions or MIDI data imported over new compositions, though,
not existing .rg files.
> Also, there's an echo when I play the keyboard-- is Rosegarden echoing
> the midi input? How can I turn this off?
> There's a tutorial that refers to the "studio", but I can't find it; is
> this in a newer version? I'd like to set up the instrument definitions
> for the Roland RD-600 (does anyone have a file of this?)
Most of the Studio GUI stuff is new in 0.8.5, which was released
a few weeks ago. (I thought PlanetCCRMA had 0.8.5 already?) That
certainly includes device program mapping setup, and I think it
also includes the MIDI Thru filter which is probably what you
want to prevent the echo you're hearing.
I'd be surprised if there's a Rosegarden device file for the RD-600
out there yet, but I don't know. If you make one, please let us know.
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