Subject: [linux-audio-user] ecamegapedal 0.4.0 released
From: Kai Vehmanen (
Date: Tue Jan 21 2003 - 03:53:46 EET
1. A short summary of changes
Sliders for parameter control and text inputs for
lower and upper bounds have been added as well as
support for LADSPA-1.1 and ecasound effect parameter
hints. There has been some user interface improvements
and a native JACK support has been added. Updated to
use the new ecasound-2.2 libraries.
--- 2. What is ecamegapedal?Ecamegapedal is a real-time effect processor software with a graphical user interface for controlling the effect parameters. It is meant to be used as a virtual guitar-fx or studio effect box. In addition to real-time operation, ecamegapedal also supports reading from and writing to audio files. All audio object and effect plugin types provided by the ecasound libraries are supported. This includes ALSA, JACK, OSS, aRts, over 20 file formats, over 30 effect types, LADSPA plugins and multi-operator effect presets. Ecamegapedal's implementation is based on ecasound and Qt libraries.
Ecamegapedal is licensed under the GPL.
--- 3. Changes since the last stable release
* Added native JACK support. If compiled with JACK support enabled, ecamegapedal will upon startup fetch the current engine parameters from the JACK server, and initialize the ecamegapedal configuration to work with JACK. In practice this means that you don't have to manually set the buffersize and sample rate parameters to use ecamegapedal with JACK.
* Support for LADSPA-1.1 and ecasound effect parameter hints.
* Text inputs for overriding default upper and lower bounds for parameter values.
* Sliders for controlling parameter values.
* Pixmaps for transport control buttons.
* Takes advantage of the newly released ecasound 2.2.0 libraries (does not work with older ecasound releases).
* Should work with all released Qt2 and Qt3 versions. Tested with qt-2.3.2, qt-3.0.5 and qt-3.1.1.
--- 4. Contributors
Patches Kai Vehmanen Arto Hamara
Bug Hunting Jaakko Prattala Justin Rosander Junichi Uekawa
Feature proposals Dan Lyons
--- 5. Links and files Web sites:
Source and binary packages:
-- Audio software for Linux!
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