Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] vkeybd [was: Rhodes sound]
From: Emiliano Grilli (
Date: Wed Jan 22 2003 - 02:02:28 EET
> I downloaded with mozilla eventually (after several tries). Thanks.
> I have added it to the timidity config file and now I get a detuned
> rhodes in the vkeybd patch selector. Is that the same one? I have no
> idea whether vkeybd is reading from the timidity patch set or not.
> Takashi, are they included in the compile or does vkeybd rely on
> timidity to provide them?
> How can I be sure that vkeybd is accessing new patches?
Oopps, forget about this file, it was corrupted on that site. I
finally found it on my backups and it differs for 1 byte.
Here is the correct md5sum:
Regarding timidity, I guess (but I may be wrong) that it has the
limitation of being able to load only one sf2 at a time, and mine IIRC
does not contain the preset "detuned rhodes" (should have 5 presets)
Now I send it to Matthew or Alexandre, in the hope that they put it in
some web site for public access.
Sorry to all for the confusion.
-- .---------------------. | Emiliano Grilli | | | | Linux user #209089 | '---------------------'
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