Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] The missing link
Date: Wed Jan 22 2003 - 11:38:20 EET
> wrote:
> Is there a program that converts .sf2 to .pat. If so, then when I
>> play midi files with timidity, they will sound like what I created with
>> jazz.
Frank Barknecht <> wrote:
>If I understand you correctly, then you are using in Jazz the
>SF2-midisynth of your soundcard (a Soundblaster probably) and you like
>the results, but when you record, you don't record your soundcards
>output but what timidity renders, right?
>So basically you don't like the rendering of timimidity, but you like
>the rendering of your soundcard. There are several ways to solve this,
>but "Jack" isn't necessary for this.
>* Record your soundcard's output. This may need a second soundcard
>or external recording gear.
Upon another person's suggestion, I have been using alsamixer's ability to "capture" _anything_. What a great tool this has been. I have done things like (not only) recorded my softsynth right into ecasound, but also added sound effects. This has the advantage of being able to hear the echo in my headphones but not recording them to the file (so I can add effects when I do the final mix). I was suprized at some of the things that it allowed. I was able to get better control over ecasound effects for one. I couldn't really get deep sounding delays until I disovered the ability to raise that channel in alsamixer. I've used those capibility along with the few program (compared to how many are out there) to do some pretty cool things. I was even able to record my softsynth into jazz (jazz has live recording cabilities) and even turn each midi track into a wav file that I then put into ecasound to record real instruments. I'm sure I can capture ecasounds effects into jazz and be !
able to record live instruments with effects. But this is not as versitile as being able to capture each midi track and put it all in ecasound and get much better control and quality over the sound.
>* Use a software soundfont synthesizer. I think, timidity can also use
>soundfonts, but personally I use iiwusynth. This would work with
>your current setup, because you can configure ecasound to use another
>synth in ~/.ecasoundrc at:
> ext-timidity-cmd = timidity -Or1S -id -s %s -o - %f
>This can be replaced with your favorite synth.
I tried that with pmidi and playmidi and it worked, but it wouldn't let me record _anything_ to a file. I may have completly gone in a different direction with being able to record midi tracks, capturing them to wav and putting them into ecasound. Even with Timidity I couldn't fast forward while in ecasound. It just jumps to the beginning. But you never know when there's a combination of programs that do what no other seem to do. I will keep trying different seqencers with ecasound.
>* Use another sequencer. This is basically the same a solution two,
> but for example MusE comes with iiwusynth build in.
I'm Looking forward to trying Muse. I beleive from what I read, it will do live recording also. And appearently, form what I've discovered in the last few days, I'm probly going to be able to use any softsynth along with it.
Thanks for all your help
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