Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] i'm a graphic designer - use me! ;-)
From: Guy Clotilde (
Date: Thu Jan 23 2003 - 07:54:25 EET
On/le 23 Jan 2003 00:38:33 +0100
Carles Barrobes <> wrote / a écrit quelque chose
> one option would be a knob control that uses the wheel in a wheel
> mouse for moving the knobs. you put the mouse pointer on a knob and
> then use the wheel... with a fine-tuned precision, i think that'd
> be much better than other types of knobs i've seen based on mous
> movement.
yeah I think you made a great point.
Sorry to disagree with nearly all the others, but as a musician, I find horrible an interface cluttered with numbers.
Music apps are not for joe-users, but for professionals. If actually cubase, cakewalk and reason make hardware-like interfaces, it's because their users want it.
As I'm there to be flamed, it's like so-called jazzmen who listen to the technique, not to the music. I'm currentlly spending a lot of time to make an attractive desktop with nice icons and backgrounds for my family. And no, the defaults one are not so nice (kde, gnome, xfce, wmaker etc...).
Jimmac, Tigert and Rasterman are great artists, but we need more of them. Linux really misses designers for now. Maybe one day GPL will come across art.
Guy CLO~
#ICQ 37736372
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