Subject: Re: [Just Talk] Re: [linux-audio-user] Why we need graphic designers
From: Lukas Degener (
Date: Thu Jan 23 2003 - 12:14:40 EET
Hi list,
i've been following this thread the last two days or so, and i agree
with otheres on this list that gui design (not just nice bitmaps but
also a consistent and intuitive behavior), is a very important aspect,
which has somewhat too low priority to many programmers (might be a
matter of taste, though. There are different aproaches to gui design,
including "no gui at all" terminal applications).
Most of the things i could contribute to this thread have already been
said. Leaves me with one option left:
I would like to invite anyone interested to have a look at ams
It is going through some refactoring process right now, and while i'm at
it, i would apreciate any ideas on how to make its gui more attractive.
Matthias (the main author) once mentioned that he would like to have
some kind of skinning support for the gui controlls.
I am messing around with almost every class interface within ams code
right now anyway, so while i am at it, i thought i might as well have
some thoughts on a more "pluggable" gui architecture. But as i am not
that experienced with advanced gui design, i could use some input from
someone who is.
What interfaces should ams provide to anyone interested in creating
custom widgets/skins?
Please feel free to join the ams list(s), and/or have a look at current
BTW: although i like many aproaches suggested on this thread, concerning
the many kinds of range controls (knobs/sliders/whatever) i think the
most intuitive thing to do (and the most elegant for realtime
performances anyway) is to bind a midi controller to the parameter in
question. (which is no problem with ams ;-) ) But i also like the idea
of an animated knob, operated by the mousewheel. Maybe together with a
modifier key to have extra precission. Another thing which i found quiet
usefull while working with ams is the possibility to redefine the
boundries of a parameter. since the resolution of any slider/knob (at
least the visual resolution) is somewhat limited, this can give more
precission (am i spelling this wrong: p-r-e-c-i-s-s-i-o-n ? Please
correct me.)
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