Subject: Re: [Just Talk] Re: [linux-audio-user] Why we need graphic designers
From: Vincent Touquet (
Date: Thu Jan 23 2003 - 12:34:14 EET
On Thu, Jan 23, 2003 at 11:14:40AM +0100, Lukas Degener wrote:
>Please feel free to join the ams list(s), and/or have a look at current
Sorry, I have currently no time for that :(
>BTW: although i like many aproaches suggested on this thread, concerning
>the many kinds of range controls (knobs/sliders/whatever) i think the
>most intuitive thing to do (and the most elegant for realtime
>performances anyway) is to bind a midi controller to the parameter in
>question. (which is no problem with ams ;-) ) But i also like the idea
>of an animated knob, operated by the mousewheel. Maybe together with a
>modifier key to have extra precission. Another thing which i found quiet
>usefull while working with ams is the possibility to redefine the
>boundries of a parameter. since the resolution of any slider/knob (at
>least the visual resolution) is somewhat limited, this can give more
>precission (am i spelling this wrong: p-r-e-c-i-s-s-i-o-n ? Please
>correct me.)
It's precision :)
But language doesn't really matter if the message comes across.
The idea of a skinnable GUI is very attractive, I know
that xmms do it, but their way of doing it is considered
a very ugly hack, so i don't know if there are any open
(free) implementations available for you to peek at.
As to the different ways of controlling knobs,
if you use an event based system, you can make
an interface onto which you could plug different
ways of controlling the same control (mousewheel,
sliding axis, ...), but that's generaly accepted
practice if you care about model-view-controller
separation, which I think is good.
best regards,
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