Re: [Just Talk] Re: [linux-audio-user] Why we need graphic designers

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Subject: Re: [Just Talk] Re: [linux-audio-user] Why we need graphic designers
From: Lukas Degener (
Date: Fri Jan 24 2003 - 00:27:07 EET

iriXx wrote:

>>> What interfaces should ams provide to anyone interested in creating
>>> custom widgets/skins?
>> I would say replaceable bitmaps.
> using bitmaps also makes things a ton easier for us graphic designers
> who have limited experience of coding to be able to help :-)
Hmm, ams is qt-based. So i think a simple approach would be to use a
special widget theme for ams. i think qt provides this via the QStyle
and/or QStylePlugin class.
might be worth a look. I don't know how "much" customization is possible
by this, though.

What i was planning so far, was to just use a model/view pattern for as
many gui aspects as possible, so one would customize the gui by
replacing parts of it with widgets rewriten from scratch. i further
thought about supporting some way of dynamicaly loading widget classes
for particular parameter types. so e.g. the user could choose between
sliders or knobs or whatever for editing float type parameters. While
this would be the most flexible aproach for programmers, it might be a
bit frustrating for the hack-o-phobic users (i myself would properly
belong to the second group, most of the time ;-) )

Hopefully, i will find a way to have both groups happy.

btw, i realy liked the screenshot (i think it was the nord modular?)
where, the wires where hanging all over the place, partly occluding the
other gui controlls. reminds me of my a100. sometimes it gets rather
difficult to get your fingers through to the knobs and switches. i hope
they also implemented an animation that pulls the wires away, if the
mouse approaches a widget hidden by those wires? ;-) That would be
_realy_ funky.


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