Subject: RE: [linux-audio-user] MDK audio distro survey
From: Austin Acton (aacton@YorkU.CA)
Date: Thu Jan 30 2003 - 02:31:41 EET
On Wed, 2003-01-29 at 18:43, Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> I don't know much about urpmi. Is it similar to apt? Can a urpmi
> repository (or the equivalent service) be created by anyone, like in
> apt? What network protocol does it use? Is it possible to create iso
> cdroms with extra packages that interact with urpmi (so that things get
> pulled from the cdrom instead of the net if a cdrom is available)?
urpmi is just a fancy wrapper for rpm. All you need is a directory full
of rpms (the Planet repository would do fine). You generate a fancy
header file with the "genhdlist" command, and it's ready to go. Any
protocol will work. A user adds your repository by executing
# urpmi.addmedia <name> <protocol>://<site> with
and from there on it works pretty much like apt.
If many sources are listed (official mandrake ftp, updates ftp, CDs,
extra sites like, it choses the newest version of the file
you request, and will get the required libraries from any other source,
whichever is newest.
> But I think all the exact same things can be said of the Planet CCRMA
> rpms :-) They are specifically designed for the supported versions of
> RedHat, and they do include extra documentation (when available and/or
> when I am aware of it), menu entries and assorted goodies :-) And of
> course source rpms are available so it is easy to rebuild them as well,
> or so I hope...
Of course. The biggest difference I can see is we (mandrake) use a
different menu system (debian's actually).
-- Austin Acton Hon.B.Sc. Synthetic Organic Chemist, Teaching Assistant Department of Chemistry, York University, Toronto MandrakeClub Volunteer ( homepage:
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