Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Linux multimedia distributions
From: Frank Barknecht (
Date: Fri Feb 07 2003 - 20:28:47 EET
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano hat gesagt: // Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> Another:
> Turn-key Linux Audio at:
And I recently found, but never tried, this:
selfbooting live-cd with included audio streamer, Pd, ...
> I don't know if Demudi has install cdroms,
> I would also like to point out that Planet CCRMA is not strictly audio
> oriented, it also has packages for doing video work (from the libraries
> and packages needed to do i/o to/from ieee1394 camcorders to writing an
> svcd of the end result :-) Of course at this point it is audio heavy and
> video light...
But there already is Pd-GEM included ;)
Speaking of Pd, I see on that
this is slightly out of date (it's 0.35, 0.36 now has Undo!) but
that's not my point.
I don't know, if you know our Pd External Repository on SouceForge
( It includes a whole bunch of externals and also
some important libraries like zexy and ggee. The end goal is, to have
installable packages ready sometime. 'Project leader' is Guenther
Geiger, and he - as a kind of Debian guy - already made some scripts
to build Debs from the externals.
I could figure, that rpm's would be a cool thing to add and personally
I would find it wonderful to have rpm-scripts (specs? or what's it
called) inside the repository as well (Guenther, you're listening? What
do you think?)
Anyway, you are of course encouraged to use the repository as a source
for Planet's Pd-externals. (But beware, that the developers' branch of
Pd itself can be quite unstable)
-- Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__
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