Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Linux Version Of FriutyLoops
From: Rick Taylor (
Date: Sun Feb 23 2003 - 01:38:17 EET writes:
> My 10 year old nephew and I were creating a video with Brodcast2000 and when it came to creating the music track he _insisted_ that we use FruityLoops. I don't have the nessesary Windows parts installed to allow Wine to do it's job. Is there a Linux equivelent? It doesn't have to have all the features of FruityLoops. In fact, if anyone can give me a hint how to get existing programs to emulate some of the features of FruityLoops, that would be great.
Most of the dlls are scattered around the net. You can download everythiing
you need. How that works with their license is something I don't know.
Fruityloops is a good program... I'd be nice if they'd port.
There are some samplers/sequencers for linux. Check www.linux-sound and freshmeat...
-- Rick Taylor - - {exile} - exile_AT_speakeasy.netIn a universe of free choice, unrestrained by divine tutelage, received dominant ideas, or unshakable norms of "civilised" behavior, one can do anything one chooses. {Free Noise Manifesto}
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