Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Best list for Linux MIDI questions?
From: Patrick Shirkey (
Date: Fri Feb 28 2003 - 08:18:15 EET
Larry Troxler wrote:
> Unfortunately, I don't still have the email, but I think I read something from
> Frank Barknecht to the effect that this list really should have been called
> linux-audio/midi-user.
Pretty much anything that is vaguely linked with using Linux to
create/play/enjoy audio is on topic here.
> For that matter, (and this probably reveals how long I've
> been using MIDI), do you still have to pay money to the MMA to get a copy of
> the MIDI specs? Is the MIDI spec still at rev 1.0? Or is that whole
> organization dead?
The MMA is still alive and Ron Kuper (CEO of Cakewalk and rep/chair for
MMA) has recently become active on the LAD list too. My how times are
changing. Not sure about the cost of the spec though.
-- Patrick Shirkey - Boost Hardware Ltd. - The Linux Audio Users guide ========================================Being on stage with the band in front of crowds shouting, "Get off! No! We want normal music!", I think that was more like acting than anything I've ever done.
Goldie, 8 Nov, 2002 The Scotsman
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