Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] LPs to CD - help with filters
From: Reid Vail (
Date: Sun Mar 09 2003 - 21:42:50 EET
Patrick Shirkey wrote:
> Reid Vail wrote:
>> I need some help understanding the basics of audio editing/filters
>> using the linux tools.
>> I've successfully used Broadcast2000 and SND to capture music input
>> from cassette tape and LP, and have written some to CD. Next I want
>> to do some work on the files, filter out what nasty stuff I can, but
>> don't know what filters have what effect. I'm also not sure of the
>> steps to think the process through; that is, if you see/hear symptom
>> A, then X process, or X filter. Actually, I know how to apply the
>> "plugins" in Broadcast 2000, but don't know what to pick or why. In
>> SND I haven't gotten that far, but know it's possible. Any hints,
>> howto suggestion or pointers would be GREATLY appreciated. My audio
>> equipment is pretty modest; a SB16 ISA...and I know I might have to
>> change that.
> Have a look at gwc. It's designed for this process.
Thx for the quick response. I'll get it and review.
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