Subject: [linux-audio-user] Distro choice :)
From: Vincent Touquet (
Date: Wed Mar 19 2003 - 12:23:33 EET
I'm checking out my distro options for a Linux machine I will use to
record music and do MIDI with.
I'm mostly a Debian adept, so I was
thinking of adding the demudi packages to my sources.list, but they
seem a bit out of date (there is newer stuff in sid than in the demudi
specific repositories ?).
Planet CCRMA looks very promising, it even includes a low latency
patched kernel :) (anyone having experience with this distro ?).
Gentoo seems nice too, albeit maybe a bit harder to install.
The most important thing is probably the availability of
music related programs (packages).
Aside from the distro question, which kernel do you prefer ?
I know I need the low latency patches in here:, but aside
from these patches, what should I definitely include in the
kernel ? I guess the pre-emptible kernel patch too (the planet
CCRMA distro has it).
kind regards,
PS: amyone got the link to Benno Sononer's (I hope I spell it right :)
latencytest ?
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