Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] MDK sound-RPMs troubles / Sound in Slackware?
From: Patrick Shirkey (
Date: Tue Apr 01 2003 - 19:33:40 EEST
luis jure wrote:
> please excuse if i overreacted, i sincerely didn't mean to offend anyone.
> it's just that i'm being a bit offended myself by all those assumptions
> about musicians in general, that imply i'm not one of them.
Cheer cheer,
Most musos worth a grain of salt get recognition from their skills at
manipulating their instruments. I take pride in the fact that as an
electronics muso I can rip apart the internals of my machines and build
it from inside out.
Their are some people who can't control their intruments but get by with
looks or contacts. Mostly I try to stay away from them.
There is also the odd random phenomena of a person with absolutely no
skillz who has so much heart that they just make sense. They don't
happen very often and when they do should be treasured like a fine...
ahem... wine ;)
-- Patrick Shirkey - Boost Hardware Ltd. - The Linux Audio Users guide ========================================Being on stage with the band in front of crowds shouting, "Get off! No! We want normal music!", I think that was more like acting than anything I've ever done.
Goldie, 8 Nov, 2002 The Scotsman
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