Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Ladspa-vst
From: Antonis Galanopoulos (
Date: Fri Apr 18 2003 - 19:43:38 EEST
> is it working for anyone else?
I had many vst plugins and instruments working with pd. That was a couple of
months ago.I havent tried with anything else.
you need to export the vst plugins directory i.e :
export VST_PATH=/home/anton/vstplugs/
and if I can remember correctly, you also need the file in your ladspa
plugs directory.I *think* that enables vst plugs to appear as ladspa plugs.
Also the vstserver has to be executed with same uid as the host.
>tried with Audacity and Ardour
btw I dont know if ardour has support for vst plugs. The latest cvs has an
option "enable-vst" but havent checked
hope that helps
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