Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Gstreamer-Properties and ALSA/JACK
From: Jon Ellis (
Date: Tue Apr 29 2003 - 11:01:45 EEST
On Tuesday, April 29, 2003, at 03:44 PM, Alex Combas wrote:
> Ok so if gstreamers Alsa support is a bit funky at the moment, then
> what
> about jack? Is it a gstreamer core problem that it cant work with
> jacksink, or is it something to do with the gentoo gstreamer ebuild?
What version of jack are you using? Jack-cvs hasn't been well recently.
You are probably better off using the latest
media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit. My only experience with
gstreamer has been net-rhythmbox which is still very flakey and not
going to get committed until i can get something more stable together.
> If its gentoo then we can fix the ebuild somehow but if not then I
> guess
> we cross our fingers and wait for the next version.
If i have time tonight or tomorrow i'll take a look at this on my
machine. If it's an ebuild problem i'll commit something (I'm not the
maintainer for gstreamer but i'm not sure there currently is one...)
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