Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] MIDI recording, frustrated, set me straight
From: Chris Cannam (
Date: Mon May 26 2003 - 15:39:17 EEST
On Monday 26 May 2003 12:26 pm, James Cameron wrote:
> The RG instruments are apparently set to the sound card. So I
> tried to remap them to the external synth, and RG did segfault in
> Qt.
If you were using the Tracks -> Remap Instruments function, then yes,
there was a nasty bug in that in 0.9 -- one of the handful of bad
bugs we've fixed in preparation for the upcoming point release.
But it should have been possible to change the "connection" for the
MIDI devices so as to make them point to the piano -- call up the
Studio -> Manage MIDI Devices dialog, and using the dropdown
corresponding to the device your tracks are playing to, select the
name of the connection you want (from the list of ALSA port names --
at some point you have to know the ALSA port name for your device,
regardless of what else you do).
The rest of your email is one of those standard ALSA questions that I
can never remember the answer to, I fear. And as for whether you
should join the rg-user list, I'd say probably yes -- but I'm a RG
developer, so I would say that.
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