Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Making a demo.
From: Emiliano Grilli (
Date: Wed May 28 2003 - 15:46:59 EEST
mercoledì, 28 maggio 2003 alle 13:57:27, Marco Desiderati ha scritto:
> Hi everybody.
> I'm an italian bass player and I'd like to record a 4 songs demo for the band
> I play in with my PC (with Linux obviously). I'm searching for someone who
> can suggest me any documentation/book regarding this argument and/or share
> with me his experience (the hardware/software used and so on ...).
> Thanks in advance for your reply,
> Marco.
Hi Marco,
I'm italian too and I can suggest to use ecasound for
recording. It depends also on which soundcard you have (2 or more inputs?)
and how do you want to record your band (all togheter or overdubbing). Also
ardour ( would be a great solution if you can wait
until middle june when it will be released.
If you have more questions you can ask me in italian in private.
-- .-----------------------. | Emiliano Grilli | | | | Linux user #209089 | | | '-----------------------'
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