Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Making a demo.
From: John Bleichert (
Date: Wed May 28 2003 - 19:16:11 EEST
On Wed, 28 May 2003, Marco Desiderati wrote:
> Subject: [linux-audio-user] Making a demo.
> Hi everybody.
> I'm an italian bass player and I'd like to record a 4 songs demo for the band
> I play in with my PC (with Linux obviously). I'm searching for someone who
> can suggest me any documentation/book regarding this argument and/or share
> with me his experience (the hardware/software used and so on ...).
> Thanks in advance for your reply,
> Marco.
Depends upon which sound card you have. If you have a simple, single input
card like e.g. a Soundblaster then Audacity is really, really easy to
install and use. If you have a multi-input soundcard you'll want to use
ALSA drivers and any of the apps others have suggested.
I've done a lot of 2-channel recording and some 4-channel recording on my
Delta 4 with Audacity and Ardour. I use Audacity primarily, and highly
recommend it. It's great for recording and also quite good for post
processing and tying multiple tracks together.
John Bleichert
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