Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] how to build a studio?
From: R Parker (
Date: Wed Jun 11 2003 - 16:40:05 EEST
I've carefully listened to the Tannoy monitors. I
guess the most deterministic way to reach a conclusion
is to compare them with as many other current
"greatest" monitors as you possibly can. Any pro audio
shop should have a good selection that's hooked up to
a switch box. I'm suggesting that a trip across town
to perform A B comparisons on monitors is mandatory.
For all the money that's to be made in the music
business, I'll be using what I've got until I'm to old
to remember where I put them.
--- Emiliano Grilli <> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> What do you think about tannoy reveal monitors?
> The price seems good to me... Anyone is using them?
> --
> .-----------------------.
> | Emiliano Grilli |
> | |
> | Linux user #209089 |
> | |
> '-----------------------'
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