[linux-audio-user] Could my system be harmed by "pop"

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Subject: [linux-audio-user] Could my system be harmed by "pop"
From: Bearcat M. Sandor (HomeTheater_AT_TheDragonsEdge.com)
Date: Sat Jun 14 2003 - 10:16:23 EEST

Hash: SHA1


No, I don;t mean pop music..I already know that's harmful.

I'm an audiophile (how many of you are?) and I am a linux geek as well. In
trying to bridge my two loves, I have hooked my sound card directly to my amp
(a Carver TFM-75x) which puts out about 380 watts per channel into 8 ohms.

When i restart my system i get a loud thump from my speakers. I have
Definitive Technology speakers with built in active subs. I think the thump
is coming from both my subs and my mid range drivers.

Could this be harmful to my system? What is happening? It is a sound card
grounding issue? Can i fix it? Currently i am just shutting off my amp b4
turning off my computer, but there may be times when it restarts itself and I
cannot shut down my amp. I'm using a Sound Blaster Live for what it's worth.


Bearcat M. Sandor
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


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