Re: [linux-audio-user] Could my system be harmed by "pop"

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Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Could my system be harmed by "pop"
From: Daniel James (
Date: Mon Jun 16 2003 - 11:47:16 EEST

> I'm an audiophile (how many of you are?)

It occurs to me that most musicians are interested in sound quality.
However, some audiophiles are more interested in the science of sound
rather than actually listening to music, and I find this very dull.
You can tell people like that if they spent a lot on hi-fi but don't
have any good records, or choose records because they show off the
equipment rather than because they like the music...

> I have hooked my sound card
> directly to my amp (a Carver TFM-75x) which puts out about 380
> watts per channel into 8 ohms.

As I understand it, cheaper amps have a built-in anti-thump circuit,
but audiophile amps don't because it would interfere with the signal
path. So I'd recommend always dropping the power amp level to zero
before rebooting your box.


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