Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Could my system be harmed by "pop"
From: iriXx (
Date: Sat Jun 14 2003 - 15:20:46 EEST
um as a general rule its not advised to reboot while the volume's up,
because thuds can damage monitor speakers... turning down the faders is
reccomended :). my system has always done that when rebooting - and yes,
i forget all too often and get blasted with a thud out of my MSP-5's...
hey patrick have you tried this with the quattro yet?... its better than
a thud (and probably more damaging for my monitors)... you get this
interesting digital glissando that starts high and then as it comes
through the mid range it makes horrible decimated noises... i should
sample it one day....
but if you really want to harm your system without the use of pop
music... skip over to the linux-dell-laptops mailing list and check the
thread 'Drop your Dell. See what happens.' disappointingly... nothing
happens. theres one thing to be said for dragging round a ten ton weight
of a laptop....
Bearcat M. Sandor wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Folks,
> No, I don;t mean pop music..I already know that's harmful.
> I'm an audiophile (how many of you are?) and I am a linux geek as well. In
> trying to bridge my two loves, I have hooked my sound card directly to my amp
> (a Carver TFM-75x) which puts out about 380 watts per channel into 8 ohms.
> When i restart my system i get a loud thump from my speakers. I have
> Definitive Technology speakers with built in active subs. I think the thump
> is coming from both my subs and my mid range drivers.
> Could this be harmful to my system? What is happening? It is a sound card
> grounding issue? Can i fix it? Currently i am just shutting off my amp b4
> turning off my computer, but there may be times when it restarts itself and I
> cannot shut down my amp. I'm using a Sound Blaster Live for what it's worth.
> Thanks,
> Bearcat M. Sandor
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