Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Re: [MusE] Re: Syncing muse with ardour
From: R Parker (
Date: Fri Jun 20 2003 - 21:41:54 EEST
> Ok, the other way around works 'sort of well'...
> Muse is able to mmc
> ardour!
> Here some pre-requisites, that I just found out:
> 1. Works only with newly created ardour
> sessions(1.0beta1-c), otherwise
> clicking 'MMC Control' in ardour's options checkbox
> crashes ardour
Strange, this never happens to me and I use it alot.
> 2. ~/.ardour.rc uses a raw virtual midi interface
> provided by
> snd-virmidi. BTW, why doesn't ardour appear as
> send/receive midi
> interface in kaconnect?
I'm pretty ignorant about this stuff and probably
shouldn't comment but as I understand it Ardour writes
to the raw device i.e. /dev/snd/midiC1D0 where
kaconnect uses the alsa midi library.
> 3. the *same* virtual midi interface is configured
> as MIDI port in muse,
> and is configured under MIDI Sync as Master-MMC
> O-Port.
> Though, transport is not reliably connected.
> Sometimes ardour seems to
> ignore the MMC sent by muse.
This is rock solid for me but the DM-24 (tascam mixing
consol) sends deferred play type=3. If you enable Midi
Trace Input you can see which play type=??? muse is
sending. Perhaps muse is sending immediate type=2. If
possible configure muse to send type=3.
My sense is that syncronization between jack clients
is better handled with jack_transport. The jack
transport api is being actively defined. Jack O'Quin
has submitted a design proposal and Ardour will
require the full implementation for 1.0. I'm guessing
transport api is one of the pieces that will produce
the first stable jackd which I imagine is comforting
to developers.
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