Subject: Re[2]: [linux-audio-user] NoteEdit questions (multiple staves)
From: Joerg Anders (
Date: Tue Jun 24 2003 - 13:12:09 EEST
On Tue, 24 Jun 2003, Mikhail Ramendik wrote:
> Well, the problem is not really painting braces, but rather
> synchronizing the bars and repeats in the two staves. Perhaps this may
> be somehow possible?
They are synchronized. Besides the measures are of different duration.
> By the way, perhaps you might know - is there any GUI notation
> software for Linux?
What do you mean ? GUI notation only for score layout ?
> My wife is a musician, not a computer specialist,
> so TeXy stuff is not really for her.
Perhaps TeX is too complicated. But in ABC the score layout is exectly
one line :
%%staves ...
> JA> The current state is: You can learn ABC, MusiXTeX, LilyPond, MUP
> JA> and/or PMX and insert the braces "by hand".
> Certainly. The bars/repeats are the main question.
There is no problem wit bars and repeats. Simply place the bars and repeats
in any staff.
-- J.Anders, Chemnitz, GERMANY (
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