[linux-audio-user] Building a DAW - couple of questions

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Subject: [linux-audio-user] Building a DAW - couple of questions
From: Greg Reddin (gtreddin_AT_yahoo.com)
Date: Mon Jun 30 2003 - 21:48:50 EEST

Hey folks,

I'm considering building a Linux DAW and have a few questions. First
of all I have a Delta 1010LT soundcard. Does anyone have experience
with using that card on Linux? Any caveats I should know about?

Secondly, I think I've narrowed down my mobo/CPU combination and
wonder if there's anything to watch out for there. Here it is:

CPU: AMD Athlon XP 2400 Thoroughbred 2.0 Ghz 266Mhz FSB
Mobo: Asus A7N8X Deluxe NVIDIA nForce2 SPP, nForce2 MCP-T chipsets

Also, related to hardware, there seems to be a myriad of hard disk
choices out there. The mobo seems to have built in support for
standard ATA IDE and SATA. I haven't read the manual yet to find out
the details, but I'm thinking about going the older ATA100, 7200RPM
route since the drives are about half the price. Am I shooting
myself in the foot by doing this? Should I buy a PCI IDE controller
or is it possible to get reasonable results from the onboard
controller? What are some drives you have had success (or failure)

Finally, I would like to be able to record in remote locations
without having to bring along a monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc. I was
thinking about using my laptop to open a remote X session on the main
box. Is that a practical scenario or would that drain too many
resources on the main box to be productive?

This is mainly an experimental project. I don't need this box for
everyday professional use or anything. I'm just trying to build a
Linux box on a shoestring and hopefully get it to work with the audio
stuff. I'm really trying to keep costs down to around $400 US --
pipe dream maybe, but we'll see.


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