Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Cactus Data Shield copy controlled cd's
From: Patrick Shirkey (
Date: Thu Jul 03 2003 - 18:26:06 EEST
Anyone noticed that copy protected cds actually force us to rip copies
in order to hear the tracks we have bought.
Surely the powers that be have already thought of this fact. It appears
to me like they are manipulating us.
Probably they are just forcing *everyone* to get used to the idea of
listening to music via a computer. In the mean time they can make a shit
load of money selling soon to be completely unnecessary products(DRM
cdplayers) to stupid rich consumers. Until everyone buys online.
Now we all know what they are trying to do with new processors. So in
the end they will have forced the average consumer to use a computer.
(It will probably happen anyway, just take a little longer). Then they
can totally control what we listen to and pay for by making it only
available online from their portals. Anyone else will get sued under the
table or bought out (classic business model there).
They definitely aren't going under. Instead they are actually herding us
like usual and we are letting them because it's the status quo.
Ahhhhh, Status quo.
-- Patrick Shirkey - Boost Hardware Ltd. - The Linux Audio Users guide ========================================Being on stage with the band in front of crowds shouting, "Get off! No! We want normal music!", I think that was more like acting than anything I've ever done.
Goldie, 8 Nov, 2002 The Scotsman
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