Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Cactus Data Shield copy controlled cd's
From: Daniel James (
Date: Thu Jul 03 2003 - 19:58:06 EEST
> > I think the way forward is for labels to radically cut their
> > expenses by ending the free beer culture, cutting out all the
> > middlemen and being honest with musicians about the money. I
> > think the major labels can see this, but it's a road they don't
> > want to go down.
> This could be said of all business.
Maybe, but music was a particularly high profit business in the late
20th century. I find the idea that this was just a passing phase
intriguing - the hotel trashing rock star lifestyle turns out to be
unsustainable. Led Zepplin had their own jumbo jet, I believe.
> Like the words of Scratch Perry...
Or the Kinks 'Lola vs. Powerman and the Money-go-round' LP - a
farewell note to the industry.
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