[linux-audio-user] Animatronic parrot solution?

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Subject: [linux-audio-user] Animatronic parrot solution?
From: Daniel James (daniel_AT_mondodesigno.com)
Date: Sat Aug 16 2003 - 17:59:27 EEST

Hello all,

I've been asked by an animatronics technician for suggestions as how
they might go about solving a particular problem with a robot parrot
at a local theme park.

The robot's voice feature was designed around a PC/Windows platform
using Cool Edit Pro and scripted in Visual Basic. The idea is that
you say something to the parrot, it pitch shifts your voice then
repeats what you said two seconds later. If no-one talks to the
parrot for a while, it says "hello, my name is Sancho, talk to me".
Needless to say, they are having severe reliability problems with
Windows as it is being used day in, day out.

Can anyone suggest a suitable Linux solution for this parrot? I was
thinking about ecasound combined with a pitch shift plugin, if one
exists. If the solution could run entirely in RAM (CD booting,
perhaps?) then that would solve the problem of hard disk reliability.


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