Subject: [linux-audio-user] . Re: Animatronic parrot solution?
From: Jonathan Segel (
Date: Mon Aug 18 2003 - 23:45:54 EEST
lee suggested PD, i would suggest SuperCollider.
i have written many supercollider patches to do this sort of thing,
but these are all in Mac - i'm still getting to the point of
compiling SC in linux in my "free time" (tm). (though closer now,
with debian unstable +alsa running on an older ppc!)
anyway, in either app:
one continuously running loop that tests (say every 0.1 second) for
an input volume threshold, which, if crossed, starts a timer and
starts writing to a buffer.
my SC versions write start and stop sample numbers into an array to
be accessed later.
second, a loop that tests if there any sample in the buffer, and
plays back accordingly, at rate*2 or whatever, or fft i guess if you
want to shift pitch and not rate.
third a loop that plays the default sample if nothing else is playing..
hope that helps somewhat...
-- _________________________________________________________________ Jonathan Segel -- MAGNETIC -- PO Box 460816 S.F. CA. 94146-0816 4014 Brookdale Ave. Oakland, CA 94619 <-----> tel (510) 534 7825 cell (510) 484 7415 fax (425) 955 4495
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