Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] DVD audio authoring
From: kevin ernste (
Date: Tue Aug 26 2003 - 20:05:37 EEST
--- Daniel James <> wrote:
> > > There is a Yamaha standalone pro DVD recorder which is Linux
> > > based. It
> > > has XLR audio inputs. I assume it can do DVD Audio and SACD as
> > > well as your regular DVD video - if not, it might be just a
> > > question of a firmware upgrade.
> >
> > Can you offer any more details on this device (where to check out
> > the specs, etc)?
> My mistake, it's a Pioneer PRV-LX1 unit, not a Yamaha:
> I think I got confused because Yamaha recently bought a stake in a
> Linux firm (Monta Vista) and they were talking about building pro
> multimedia products, but I don't think theirs have launched yet.
> Sorry about that! On the plus side, this article does confirm that
> the
> unit has XLR inputs and is software upgradable.
Thanks, Daniel. It says it "employs a Linux-based operating system", I
wonder if that means the code itself will be made available somewhere.
The $4K pricetag is a bit high, so let's hope there are other options
In the studio I work in, we do DVD-A authoring under another OS with a
standard $300 4x Pioneer DVD-R/RW and have done up to 8 channels of
24/96 using something called Meridian Lossless Packing
( The software is rather spendy,
but nothing near $4K.
This is _the last_ thing we need any other OS for in our studio, and I
would love to see linux able to support something like this
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