Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Audio-synchronized multimedia authoring and playback (was Flash audio)
From: Rick Taylor (
Date: Wed Sep 03 2003 - 05:55:51 EEST
On Tue, 02 Sep 2003 10:46:03 -0400
"Lloyd R. Prentice" <> wrote:
> I hadn't intended to launch a flame war with my simple question but,
> after all, this pretty much answers it. So, in the end, the heat was
> enlightening.
There was no flame war. Just a bit of bickering.
> 6. Is it worthwhile to even pursue these lines given Macromedia's
> entrenched position?
^ This is entrenched. Check the "big" picture.
> I realize that this is an audio forum. But wide adoption of
> audio-synchronized multimedia would provide a voracious outlet for good
> music and sound.
SMIL, XML, etc
{Why is it that folk insist on denying the "right" answer?}
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