Subject: [linux-audio-user] Jack problem in Brazil
From: Alexander (
Date: Mon Sep 08 2003 - 19:44:54 EEST
I'm brazilian and I don't speak english. So... please... be patience :)
I have install jack 0.80 in one notebook Compaq presario 1200 with sound-card
snd-via-82xxx(this module is from Alsa-Project).
All songs in my coputer play with no problems.
But when I try start jackd the system showme this error:
JACK compiled with System V SHM support
loading driver ..
creating alsa driver ... hw:0|hw:0|1024|2|48000|nomon|swmeter|rt
jackd: pcm.c:689: snd_pcm_nonblock: Assertion 'pcm' failed.
received signal 6 during shutdown (ignored)
I create all of directories of README.
And I put in fstab the lines:
none /mnt/ramfs tmpfs defaults 0 0
shmfs /dev/shm shm defaults 0 0
My kernel support shm and i can mount manually this directories.
I do this because before my last installation(compile) I use
But in this time I remove all jack files os my system and killall -9 all
process of jackd and recompile with stadard options.
The error is the same(but change the first line "with POSIX ..." for "with
System V..."). Is OK.
So... my jack is compile with NO errors and the module of my sound card is ok.
The process of arts, esd, nas, etc, NOT exist in my process list(I use
I have the directories(mounted) /mnt/ramfs and /dev/shm.
I don't have any sound aplications started(no one).
But I get the same error.
I create the /tmp/jack with permissions 777.
When i start jackd this directory is removed!!!!
What's this error? Somebody have some idea what is this?
I speak to Patrick Shirkey and I get much help, but my problem seems to be in
my system.
Any help?
Thanks a lot!
Brazil - Rio de Janeiro
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