Subject: RE: [linux-audio-user] Loops
From: Mark Knecht (
Date: Wed Sep 17 2003 - 19:37:22 EEST
> Why is this difficult? Are you looking for something like fruity
> loops that
> makes it easy to assemble the loops themselves? What sort of
> functionality
> are you wanting?
Check the Ardour archives. We had this discussion back around last January.
Actually, someone did a patch for Ardour that painted loops much like Acid
does. You placed the loop where you wanted it to start and then did a drag
to the right. If you went farther than the length of the loop then Ardour
put in a second copy of the loop, just like Acid.
Ardour was actually sort of nicer than Acid in that you could put multiple
loops on the same track. Acid doesn't allow that.
I think that none of this eventually made it into CVS, but I could be wrong.
maybe the functionality is there somewhere. (I don't use Ardour.)
- Mark
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