Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] skale tracker
From: Mark Knecht (
Date: Mon Sep 22 2003 - 01:37:29 EEST
On Sun, 2003-09-21 at 13:17, Frank Barknecht wrote:
> I get the same message if I mv the Default skin away. Maybe it is
> indeed corrupted. It's quite a large file with about 24 MB. Here's my
> checksum of it:
> $ md5sum Default.sks
> 5b9f59137ab2aa3783c3a1856863df15 Default.sks
> ciao
bash-2.05b$ md5sum Default.sks
5b9f59137ab2aa3783c3a1856863df15 Default.sks
I get the same value, I think.
I'm thinking that my Sk_AT_leLinux.cfg file may have some problems. The
file itself looks like it needs to go through dos2unix or something. I
see lots of ^M's at the end of lines. Did you get that from unrar?
[ Skale Tracker Config File ]^M
If a line starts with # means that it's a config option. The config
options are:^M
blit from the backbuffer to the frontbuffer.
Else a flip operation is used when posible (fullscreen)^M
In what directory did you uncompress and place everything? Is it in your
path? My directory is not in my path. Did you edit this config file at
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