Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Weird glitchy noise in Mozilla
From: Gustavo Zamorano S. (
Date: Mon Sep 22 2003 - 01:45:31 EEST
As far as I can see ALSA are just the sound driver. It does not have a
sound server.
IN my Red Hat 9 box, the sound server artds has an option -a that is
supposed to accept alsa, oss and toss as parameters. But, artds -A
shows that valid options are only oss, toss and null.
So, I set it to run with -a toss ( prerefences -> Sound -> Sound server).
As long as I can hear music I am sure the Alsa drivers are working.
I would like to know if working with artsd is ok or I should wswitch to
jack or esd.
Mark Knecht wrote:
> On Sun, 2003-09-21 at 12:19, Gustavo Zamorano S. wrote:
>>I am using artsd as sound server.
>>It requires that programs that will try to write directly to /dev/dsp,
>>be run with artsdsp.
>>To solve that problem I modified the mozilla shell script to add artsdsp.
>>Now it read like this: ( at the end of /usr/bin/mozilla)
>> exec artsdsp $MOZILLA $*
>>Then, restart mozilla.
> OK, and that's cool, but what's the solution for Alsa/OSS?
> I guess I must be missing your point.
> Thanks,
> Mark
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