Subject: RE: [linux-audio-user] more on HDSP9652
From: Mark Knecht (
Date: Wed Sep 24 2003 - 00:34:59 EEST
> my two questions are hopefully simple - how do I do that?
You put the card in a Windows based (or maybe Mac based, I don't know)
computer and you run the firmware updater for the Rev 101 (65 hex) firmware.
It takes the card down to rev 101. This is available on the RME web site
under downloads.
> and
> can I go back
> up later?
Yep. You run the Rev 104 (hex 68) updater to do that.
I've done this process 10 times anyway.
> (I imagine Thomas and company will have the drivers
> humming for
> the newer rev and that at that point it'd be a good idea to go
> back up - if
> possible)
I would like to as I cannot get all the Windows based tools from RME for the
101 firmware revision.
> also, I know this has been explained three times in the last day to other
> people asking, but this is not actual "firmware" in the sense
> that it's some
> kind of flash happening to the hardware, right? I think the one post
> explained that we were actually calling this firmware erroneously...
Not in the HDSP 9652. In this case it really is firmware. I think in the
case of the DigiFace/MultiFace it is not except it's as good a term as any
so we continue to use it.
- Mark
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