Subject: [linux-audio-user] more on HDSP9652
From: Aaron Trumm (
Date: Wed Sep 24 2003 - 00:12:42 EEST
It's me Aaron again
this is a question probably best for Mark K. but I thought it'd be useful to
post it too
I indeed have firmware rev 68 going for my 9652 - you said to use 65 - other
strains said you had to downgrade to 65 - ok that makes sense.
my two questions are hopefully simple - how do I do that? and can I go back
up later? (I imagine Thomas and company will have the drivers humming for
the newer rev and that at that point it'd be a good idea to go back up - if
also, I know this has been explained three times in the last day to other
people asking, but this is not actual "firmware" in the sense that it's some
kind of flash happening to the hardware, right? I think the one post
explained that we were actually calling this firmware erroneously...
-- -------------- Aaron Trumm NQuit --------------
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