Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Newbie: Realtime kernel and THAC's rpms
From: Ketil Thorgersen (
Date: Sat Sep 27 2003 - 19:43:24 EEST
lørdag 27. september 2003, 13:30, skrev Austin:
> Please note that Mandrake 9.2 will be released in a few weeks, and contains
> the latest and greatest multimedia kernel, alsa, ardour/audacity, jack
> stuff including new gui, sweep, terminatorX, hydrogen, amsynth, ecasound,
> tkeca, snd, fluidsynth, rosegarden4, noteedit, muse, swami, etc. etc. etc.
Great! I knew of course that 9.2 was just around the corner, but had no idea
it would provide a DAW out of the box. This is really great news! Will I be
asked during installation if I prefer a low latency kernel and if
installation should be optimised for multimedia, or is the new kernel equally
good at everything?
Would be great to get it working now nonetheless:-)
Best regards
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