Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] jaming over the internet?
From: Guy Clotilde (
Date: Thu Oct 02 2003 - 09:02:47 EEST
On Tue, 30 Sep 2003 12:01:53 +0100, Steve Harris wrote / a écrit:
> Theres a protocol called RTP (realtime transmission protocol) thats ideal
> for this kind of thing.
[midi streaming]
Is this protocol allowed through my alcatel router? I'm asking the question, because I remember sawing configuration for TCP and UDP, not RTP; but I will check.
> > Really thinking about grabbing a code for dummies book.
> I learnt programming from K&R ("The C programming language") its only 250
> pages and contains everything you need to know about C. Those stupid
> 700 page "C in 12 weeks" type books are a joke.
thanks very much for the advice.
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