Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] jaming over the internet?
From: Guy Clotilde (
Date: Thu Oct 02 2003 - 09:36:47 EEST
On Wed, 1 Oct 2003 16:21:31 -0230, Juhan Leemet wrote / a �crit:
> discuss the limits/boundaries
> In
> the same city, I guess it could be feasible,
yes this is what I was thinking about, at least in the case of ADSL, between cities of the same zone (there is a 50 ms latency inside this zone).
And of course I was thinking about midi only too.
and you won't get me started over people playing academic music; I'm always furious seeing snob people coming to see soul-less gigs just because the players come from this or this school with a medal... ooops I did it again... ;-P
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