Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] sticky windows [may be OT]
From: Rick Taylor (
Date: Sat Oct 04 2003 - 20:34:22 EEST
Rocco <> wrote:
>"horsh" <> wrote:
> >> So my question is:
> >> Which window manager support such "sticky"
> >> feature?
> wrote:
>{tho' FVWM is fairly similar and makes for a really nice
>> environment.}}}}
>> I've used all of these... they all work fairly well.
>Unfortunatly, I've only worked with FVWM so I can't compare it to the
>rest. But I can tell You that it's __very__ lightweight, boots up
>__very__ quickly and uses __very__ little resources. And there's not
>even __one__ "built in" feature that You're "stuck with". For
>instance... in KDE (the only other Window Manager I have experience
>with) always loads the "task bar". I'm sure if I hacked around I could
>find a way to __not__ start up with it. But FVWM can be so stripped down
>that there's not even a back ground color. All you see is that grey mesh
>that You see just before (whatever window manager You're using at the
>time) starts up. Yet it has ways of creating just about any convience
>you want (like a task bar).
:} Yeah... to paraphrase a popular industrial ditty...
No doubt about it... FVWM Rocks!
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