Re: [linux-audio-user] That whole mp3 vs. ogg vs. wma vs. yomamma thing

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Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] That whole mp3 vs. ogg vs. wma vs. yomamma thing
From: Guy Daniel CLOTILDE (
Date: Wed Oct 15 2003 - 09:29:50 EEST

Mark Knecht wrote / a �crit:
> > My unintelligible comment about black artists was only that this week
> everything on the radio is hip hop, rap or what passes taday as R&B, even
> though I have a hard time equatig Beyonce Knowles, no matter how good
> looking or talented she is, with R&B. Nothing on commercially driven radio
> around her has anythign to do with, again, "that whole rock/blues and jazz
> legacy".

Hi Mark, hi all.

I'm not a native english speaker, so perhaps I totally misunderstand this sentence, but anyway there I go:
Talking this way about a color (of a skin I believe) and music is really disturbing me. Isn't Rock, blues and jazz are all coming from "black" people, even if today there is mainly white people playing this music?

Rap is actually played by black musicians, but isn't Eminem a white boy? Looking at the past, I can predict that in twenty-thirty years, hip-hop, rap and so-called R&B will be played by white musicians. At this time, black musicians may be well playing something new that some white musicians will hate...

So again, if I misunderstand the tone/sense of the Mark's Knecht text, sorry for jumping on this like this.

Disclaimer: I'm white and there are colored people in my family. I'm leaving in France.

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