Re: [linux-audio-user] Copyrights on samples

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Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Copyrights on samples
From: Tommi Sakari Uimonen (
Date: Wed Oct 15 2003 - 09:52:21 EEST

If you make a tune with your synth and publish it as public domain, so
anybody can use parts of it and then someone uses a part of it, let's say
one grand piano sample, could (s)he be sued then by the synth
manufacturer? Normally you could sue the 'ripper', but since you already
gave permission to rip, (s)he should be safe.

How about if you make 'artistic' tune, which consists of grand piano
samples played from C-0 to C-9 in half note steps and in different
volumes. Now apply the same scenario as in the first case. What happens?

And if synth manufacturer sues someone for making synth's samples
available, what do you think how it affects the synth's sale? "Use synth X and get
sued by X's manufacturer."

Tommi Uimonen

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