Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Copyrights on samples
From: iriXx (
Date: Thu Oct 16 2003 - 23:45:21 EEST
Daniel James wrote:
>> reminds me of the time my friend and i remixed smothered hope with
>>cool edit - every little change we made took 5 to 10 minutes
> Last time I used Cool Edit it was no better when it came to opening
> and working with projects - Audacity 1.0 for Windows was much faster
> on the same machine, a P2-450 with 512MB RAM.
i'm finding the same sort of problems on a P3 700 laptop, 256Mb ram....
the one i think we should all check though is 'Traktion', very very nice
interface and features, i'm product-testing it for my flatmate's book.
could do with a nice Linux clone - in fact i think this guy has been
learning things from Linux apps...
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