Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] SOS Survey
From: iriXx (
Date: Fri Oct 17 2003 - 00:03:51 EEST
yep me too. although im afraid i put Nick Bracegirdle from Chicane in
the interview bit. sorry, Dave, i'm having a bit of a Chicane phase....
Jeremiah Benham wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 16, 2003 at 08:22:10PM +0100, Andy Cragg wrote:
> I mentioned in the field that asked what persone would you like SOS
> to interview:
> Dave Philips
> I made sure to suggest more articles on Open-source software.
> It asked what hardware would you like reviewed. I mentioned Linux
> compatible hardware.
> Jeremiah
>>Steve Harris wrote:
>>>On Thu, Oct 16, 2003 at 05:31:04 +0100, Daniel James wrote:
>>>>>I'm not sure if they'll count mine, I put "yeah right"
>>>>>in the required address field :-)
>>>>There's quite a good prize draw for survey participants, although I'm
>>>>not sure if on-line counts. (A paper version of the survey is
>>>>included with the November issue).
>>>The november issue says they prefer you to fill it online, so it better
>>>count for the draw :)
>>>- Steve
>>Blimey, I really hope there's a prize - took me ages to fill the thing
>>in. Lots of requests for linux info suitably entered.
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