Subject: RE: [linux-audio-user] [ann] Test your ogg players at IRCAM'sResonances online off festival!
From: Mark Knecht (
Date: Fri Oct 17 2003 - 16:47:28 EEST
> > today the IRCAM Resonances festival started.
> Thanks for the link - sounds wild! One handy feature that I've seen
> some radio stations use is to send the name of the artist and track
> to the gui of the ogg player, xmms in my case. I don't know how
> practical that is with live streams, but it's very handy to know who
> is playing, so you can find them on the web later.
> I guess you could even send a URL as part of the meta information, so
> you could launch a browser window automatically and read up on the
> artist as you are listening.
> Cheers
> Daniel
I've failed the test so far:
1) My Windows box at work doesn't stream ogg. foobar2000 doesn't seem to
support that.
2) My Gentoo box doesn't seem to be set up inside of Mozilla to stream ogg.
- Mark
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