Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Greetings from a newcomer(and something about shaketracker and gcc 3.2=)
From: Tommi Sakari Uimonen (
Date: Sat Oct 18 2003 - 23:35:27 EEST
> shaketracker again. I compiled it on Debian with g++-3.3. The only
> problem, but this seems to be a Debian bug, is, that I had to remove
> all "extern "C" void exit..." lines from configure, because otherwise
> it would fail at looking for libgtk--. I already filed a bug report
> regaring this to the Debian BTS.
I got it to compile with the same fix that debian packager did for
cheesetracker. Can't remember what it was though..
I hope shaketracker will soon have the same face-lifting that
cheesetracker had when it advanced to 0.8.0
Tommi Uimonen
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